Scope of Journal
International Journal of Novel Research in Civil Structural and Earth Sciences (IJNRCSES) publishes high-quality research and reviews which have a significant impact on the field of civil engineering, structural engineering, and Earth Sciences. Full-length research papers, state of art reviews, letter to the editors are warmly welcomed by the editorial board members. After submission of the paper, the article goes for a double-blind peer-review process. At least one week is required for the review process.
Paper Submission:
Submit your paper at or by using form submission (Click here).
ISSN 2394 – 7357
Contact Address:
Publication Frequency: Weekly Published Journal, Issue Finalized three times in a Year.
Major Topics
Advances in Cement Research; Applied Acoustics; Architectural Engineering; Bridge Engineering; Building; Building Design; Building Materials and Structures; Civil Engineering Industry; Computational Engineering; Computational Mechanics; Computing in Civil Engineering; Concrete Engineering; Concrete International; Constructed Facilities; Construction Materials; Constructions Technology; Dams and Reservoirs; Demolition Work; Design and Construction; Drainage Engineering; Earth Surface Processes; Earthquake Engineering; Emerging Materials Research; Engineering Mechanics; Environment; Environmental Conditions; Environmental Geology; Fiber Science Journal; Fluid Mechanics; Geophysical Prospecting; Geotechnical Engineering; Green Materials; Ground Engineering; Highway Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering; Hydrologic Engineering; Infrastructure Systems; Innovation and Research; Marine Engineering; Materials Failure; Materials Technology; Materials under Stress; Natural Hazards; Other Materials; Piles Engineering; Planning and Management; Project Management; Public Transportation; Rock Engineering; Scattering soil; Seismology; Site work; Soil dynamics; Soil Engineering; Soil Mechanics; Soil Science; Soil structure; Steelworks; Structural Design and Construction; Structural dynamics; Structural Engineering; Structural optimization; Structures and Buildings; Surveying; Surveying Engineering; Timber Engineering; Transportation; Waste Management; Water and Wastewater; Water Resources Development; Wind engineering; Wood Science; Aeolian processes; Agricultural meteorology; Aquaculture Engineering; Archaeoastronomy; Arctic Engineering; Astrobiology; Astrophysics; Atmospheric chemistry; Atmospheric dynamics; Atmospheric physics; Aviation meteorology; Biological processes; Buoyancy and Stability; Climate; Climate change; Climatology; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Cosmo chemistry; Ecology; Edaphic; Edaphology; Environmental Science; Fluid dynamics; Fluid Structure Interaction; Fluvial processes; Forensic astronomy; Freshwater biology; Geodesy; Geology; Geomorphology; Geophysics; Glacial processes; Glaciology; Global warming; Gravity; Heat flow; Hill slope processes; Hydrodynamics; Hydrology; Hydrometeorology; Igneous processes; Lake aeration; Lentic ecosystems; Limnic eruption; Limnology; Lotic ecosystems; Marine biology; marine environmental; marine equipment technology; Marine hydrodynamics; Marine propulsion system; Maritime meteorology; Material research; Materials; Meteorology; Military meteorology; Mineral physics; Modern oceanography; Nonlinear wave mechanics; Nuclear meteorology; Ocean acidification; Ocean acoustics; Ocean currents; Ocean energy; systems; Ocean mining; Oceanographical engineering; Oceanography; Paleoclimatology; Pale ecology; Paleolimnology; Palynology; Pedology; Physical geography; Pipelines and risers; Planetary geology; Planetary science; Port and waterfront design; Radioactivity; Satellite observations; Sedimentation; Ship maneuvering; Shore protection; Soil mechanics; Soil zoology; Space archaeology; Space plasma physics; Space science; Subsea engineering; Sustainable agriculture; Tectonic processes; Tropical cyclone; Under-water acoustics; Underwater technology; Vibrations; Vortex induced vibrations; Wave dynamics; Weather; Weather forecasting.