Vol 2 Issue 1 January 2015-April 2015
Shabuz Mahmud, Nasrin Islam
Abstract: Disclosures are the most important elements for the financial audit. Disclosure is the act of releasing all relevant information pertaining to a company that may influence an investment decision.The financial audit report is the final step in the entire audit process where disclosures used for auditing that expression of opinion on the financial statement. In this study mainly focus on objective that are to identify the basic compliance of financial audit, to compare the status of compliance with disclosures in conducting the financial audit and to find out the reasons of not complying with relevant disclosures. For fulfilling the objectives at first include some relevant acts of disclosures then added disclosures in financial audit which to be complied in the financial audit where have title, addressee, opening or introductory paragraph, management responsibility, auditor’s responsibilities, other reporting responsibility, auditor’s signature and date of report and these are basic disclosures in financial audit which complying in audit report. Disclosure in financial audit that tested on some companies and have been shown as percentage basis by chart. To know the present status in financial audit, some companies of some selected industries were chosen and those are Pharmaceuticals industry, Ceramics industry and Food & Beverage industry. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Monno Ceramics Ltd and Fu-Wang Food Industry Ltd fully complied with disclosures that mean 100% where Renata Pharmaceuticals Ltd, RAK Ceramics Ltd and The Real Good Food Company complied 90% and Apex Foods Ltd complied 80% only. But Euro Ceramics Ltd. in 2012 fully complied whether in 2013 did not fully complied with disclosures that means this company partially complied which is compared between two years only and behind the insufficient disclosures, there are some reasons that are lack of expertise where includes experience and professionalism and lack of monitoring by which different users are affected like shareholders, potential investors, creditors, customers, students, bank, government and supplier also.
Keywords: Accounting, Auditor’s Report, Compliance, Disclosure, Financial Audit & GAAP
Title:Compliance with Disclosure in Financial Audit:A Comparative Study of Some Selected Industries in Bangladesh
Author:Shabuz Mahmud, Nasrin Islam
International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics
Novelty Journals