Abstract: Proximate analysis, vitamin and mineral compositions of the raw and the processed forms of Walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum) were investigated to observe the impact of processing on these parameters using standard analytical methods. The result of the proximate analysis in percentage showed a significant increase in moisture content from 31.40±0.623-45.81±0.424. A significant decrease in ash content from 3.42±0.042-3.26±0.028, crude fibre from 5.58±0.170 - 4.89±0.042, 15.84±0.000-11.54±0.085 for ether extract, 22.88±0.028-19.82±0.050 for crude protein, and 20.88±0.467-14.69±0.078 for Carbohydrate. There was a significant reduction in all the minerals tested for when the nut was processed from 45.30±0.042-42.66±0.247 for calcium, 61.92±0.028-58.48±0.311 for magnesium, 9.50±0.028-8.67±0.042 for sodium, 25.65±0.219-24.82±0.02 for potassium and 19.25±0.000-17.20±0.000 for phosphorus. There was also a significant reduction in all the vitamins when the nut was processed from0.09±0.000-0.05±0.000 in B1, 0.05±0.000-0.03±0.000 in B2, 0.08±0.000-0.06±0.000 in B3, 4.14±0.021-2.74±0.064 in C, 9.83±0.014-6.58±0.170 in E and 3.59±0.014-3.16±0.035 in A. The result shows that processing of walnut has a significant impact on the mineral, vitamin and nutrient composition of walnut. Apart from the moisture content which increased significantly, every other parameter examined decreased significantly. Thus it may be more beneficial to consume walnut in the raw and unprocessed form in order to enjoy its nutrients in the whole and unadulterated form.
Keywords: composition, content, Impact, mineral, nutrient, processing, vitamin, etracarpidium conophorum.
Author: The Impact of Processing On the Nutrient Content, Vitamin and Mineral Composition of African Walnut (Tetracarpidium Conophorum)
Title: Okonkwo C.O, Ozoude U.J
International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences (IJNRLS)
Novelty Journals