Vol 3 Issue 1 January 2016-February 2016
Si Thu Hein, Nadi Nwe Oo, Hnin Yi Soe, Khin Thida Khaing, Kyaw Kyaw Moe, Aung Aung, Saw Po Po, Mar Mar Win
Abstract: Six male sheep with similar age (3-5 months) and body weight ranging from 16 kg to 20 kg were used in this experiment. Each animal was kept in individual cages and the animals were fed rice straw and sesame cake for one month and provided clean water ad-libitum. The experimental animals were fed 3% of body weight with and it was formulated isonitrogenously not less than 21% of crude protein. Animals were divided randomly into three groups (A, B, C) each having two animals. Group A was kept as a control group and group B and C were fed 30% and 60% of total diet with Leucaenaleucocephala leaves, respectively. The experimental period was two months. In the histopathological study, the thyroid gland, there were the colloidal goiter and interfollicular congestion. Severe degeneration of follicles and follicular cells, shrinkage and changes in morphology in some follicles were found. Vacuolization of follicles were replaced with massive infiltration of connective tissue. All of the above lesions were more severe lesions in the animals of group C than those of group B. It was concluded that the toxic effects of mimosine presented in the L. leucocephala were more severe lesions in those animals fed with 60% of LL in the diet than those fed with 30% LL in the diet.
Keywords: Leucaena, Mimosine, thyroid gland, Interfollicular congestion, sheep, Myanmar.
Title: Effect of Leucaena Leucocephala Leaves on Microscopic Structure of Thyroid Gland of Sheep in Myanmar
Author: Si Thu Hein, Nadi Nwe Oo, Hnin Yi Soe, Khin Thida Khaing, Kyaw Kyaw Moe, Aung Aung, Saw Po Po, Mar Mar Win
ISSN 2394-966X
International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences
Novelty Journals