Vol 11 Issue 5 September 2024-October 2024
Ilo, C. P., Ilo, I. S., Dim, E. C.
Abstract: To solve continued HIV menace proposed thermodynamics HIV control model which is an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) was solved with imported historical experimental data for: green series D1 representing Lamivudine, Nevirapine & Zidovudine combination therapy; blue series D2 representing Tenofovir, Lamivudine & Efavirenz combination therapy; mauve series D3 representing Nevirapine single therapy, and non-therapeutic red series representing when ãbd=ãb
to distinguish untreated infection dynamics from the treated. The solution method is numerical integration that utilized explicit Runge-Kutta method in MATLABTM function ode 23. Imported historical drug parameters were introduced from day twenty to both day three hundred in the first instance and to day ninety int the second instance to reveal if the dynamics generated by the thermodynamics expressed model is in accordance with what obtains in clinical experience of the utilized drugs parameters with reference to comparison between combination therapy and single therapy drugs. Results show actually that the thermodynamics control model is capable of changing the disease dynamics. Dynamics of each plot for every series which comprised subplot of uninfected cell (CD4+) count (x
) (cellsμL-1
), infected cell count (y
) (cells��L-1
) and Viral load (v
) (copiesmL-1)
infection time-course responded accordingly. The solution at drug intervention from the plot shows that green series D1 representing Lamivudine, Nevirapine & Zidovudine combination therapy had the best response to therapy achieving over 900 (cellsμL-1
), this is closely followed by blue series D2 representing Tenofovir, Lamivudine & Efavirenz combination therapy and finally mauve series D3 representing Nevirapine single therapy that attained 500 (cel��sμL-1
). These are in line with both clinical experience where Lamivudine, Nevirapine & Zidovudine combination therapy had best efficacy as reported in the literature. Out of the trio mauve series D3 representing Nevirapine single therapy has also the least performance. Recall that D3 is not a combination therapy hence quite reasonable for the least performance. Results show that actually combination therapy had a higher response than the single therapy. The result is acutely validated by clinical experience from historical data. The red series represented when ãbd=ãb
, a situation of untreated infection. It shows a demarcation indicating that all controlled series for uninfected cells have higher values of uninfected cell (CD4+) count (x
) (cellsμL-1
) as well as lower values of both infected cell count (y
) (cellsμL-1
) and viral load (v
) (copiesmL-1)
. These are expected and are quite evident in the simulated infection time course. The spectroscopic technique yielded a clue to surface properties of the interaction with drug and application of this study in pharmaceutical industries, in the area of drug design and in clinical studies cannot be overemphasized.
Keywords: Human immunodeficiency virus, Interfacial energetics, Control Infectivity, Absorbance.
Author: Ilo, C. P., Ilo, I. S., Dim, E. C.
International Journal of Novel Research in Interdisciplinary Studies
ISSN 2394-9716
Vol. 11, Issue 5, September 2024 - October 2024
Page No: 7-11
Novelty Journals
Website: www.noveltyjournals.com
Published Date: 28-September-2024