Vol 5 Issue 5 September 2018-October 2018
Kute Julia Auma, Prof Achola. P.W, Dr. Ochieng Robert
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between school environment factors and academic performance in public boarding secondary schools of Nyakach sub- county, Kenya. The study was guided by two theories, Education Production Function of Hanushek (1998-2008), which states that cognitive skill of a population are powerfully related to the economic growth. The effective school model of Lezotte (2010) partly by that posits on school learning climate that is the correlates of effective schools namely: instructional leadership, expectations for success, home-school relations, frequent monitoring of students’ progress, and opportunity to learn for students. The study targeted secondary schools’ director of academics, teachers, and students of all the 8 public boarding secondary schools in Nyakach sub-county. A total sample size of 444 was determined. Stratified sampling technique was used to select 5 schools for the study. Simple random sampling was used to select 146 teachers and 293 students. Purposive sampling was used to select 5 deans of academics of sampled secondary schools of Nyakach sub-county. Prior to the actual data collection, a pilot study was conducted to ascertain the reliability and validity of the instruments. ANOVA results revealed that, four schools put emphasis on the seven factors, with only one school giving differences in mean significant results. Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis revealed significant positive correlations between the KCSE mean averages (2011-2015) and the seven factors. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the two factors: school resources and parent- School relations explained 98.6% of the positive result in academic performance among the sample schools. The study recommended that secondary schools put emphasis on utility of the seven factors identified to positively influence academic performance.
Keywords:School environmental factors, academic performance and hypothesis.
Title:Relationship between School Environmental Factors and Academic Performance
Author:Kute Julia Auma, Prof Achola. P.W, Dr. Ochieng Robert
ISSN 2394-9716
International Journal of Novel Research in Interdisciplinary Studies
Novelty Journals