Vol 4 Issue 1 January 2017-February 2017
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to do an evaluation of selected factors on quality education in public primary schools in Masaba South sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. The study attempted to ascertain the implications of increased enrollment on teacher resource in public primary schools in Masaba south sub-county, Kisii county, Kenya affect quality education. The study adopted sequential explanatory design within mixed method approach. The study was guided by Human capital theory assisted by social systems theory of management and a conceptual framework was used to show interrelationships between the variables. The target population for this study was 82 head teachers, 112 deputy head teachers in public primary schools, from 82 primary school teachers in the South sub county. The sample constituted of 68 head teachers, 86 deputy head teachers, from the 68 sampled public primary schools. Stratified sampling was used in selecting the respondents of the study. A questionnaire, interview schedule, and document analysis was used to collect primary data. Validity of the questionnaire was done by the expert judgment of the lecturers in the school of education, planning and economics. Pilot testing was done using nine respondents to ensure reliability before being used in the study. Using Split- Half method by Spearman Brown Formula, an index was established to ascertain reliability. The reliability index for the questionnaire was 0.818. Data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. On the concern about the effect of learning facilities on quality education, the study found out that library had a highest input towards learning resources with a Beta coefficient of .391. The second largest Beta coefficient was .341 which was for electricity. This was followed closely by the professional documents, ICT integration, water, latrines, administration offices, playground, classrooms and Laboratory with Beta values of .146, .125, .106, .094, .074, .054 and -.088 respectively. On the concern about effect of teacher resource on quality education in primary schools, work load had a highest input of .260 towards teachers as a resource; it was followed by syllabus which had an input of 209 units. Teacher pupil ratio had the lowest input of -.130 units. The content, testing policy, capacity building, and adequacy had inputs of .017 units, .024 units, .079 units, .084 units .088 units respectively. This study is useful to the Ministry of Education to make necessary changes on the effect of the selected factors on quality education provision in public primary schools. The researcher recommended that the Ministry of Education revisits its policies related to Primary Education and make changes on the findings to enhance quality education. The researcher suggests a study to be done on the effect of the other remaining factors on quality education.
Keywords: Quality Education In Public Primary Schools, Enhance Quality Education.
Title: Implications of Increased Enrollment on Teacher Resource in Public Primary Schools Quality Education in Masaba South Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya
ISSN 2394-9694
International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences
Novelty Journals