Vol 6 Issue 6 November 2019-December 2020
James N. Makinda, Dr. Moses M. Otieno
Abstract:Total Quality management is an important tool in the management of organizations in the world. The purpose of this study was to establish the application of TQM strategies in management of performance of tea factories in Kisii County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to determine how application of quality leadership influences the performance of tea factories in Kisii County, to find out how application of strategic planning influences the performance of tea factories in Kisii County, to establish how application of customer and market fours influences the performance of tea factories in Kisii County, and to establish how application of supplier focus influences the performance of tea factories in Kisii county. The study employed descriptive survey design. The area of study was Kisii County. The target population of this study included top managers and senior supervisors of Kiamokama, Rianyamwamu, Ogembo, Eberege, Nyamache, and Itumbe tea factories. A total of 96 respondents were targeted. They include: 6 factory unit managers, 6 production managers, 6 production assistant managers, 6 field service managers, 6 assistant field managers, 6 factory accountants, 6 assistant factory accountants, 6 Data managers. 6 factory mechanics, 6 assistant factory mechanics and 36 senior supervisors in each section of each KTDA factories. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Data was analyzed using percentage distribution and frequency distribution using SPSS. The findings show that top management encouraged the core team to set high performance goals and provide appropriate resources, involved senior management in creating the organization mission, vision, values and implementation strategies, maintain close and direct contact with the key customers, engage in the change management, engage senior management to make decisions and require others to make the decisions based on the data effectively, and empower employees to take action effectively in an effort to improve performance. There was application of strategic development supported, developed and implemented based on data concerning customers’ requirements, the firm’s capabilities and customers’ needs. There was application of customer knowledge through: frequent close contact with customers, actively and regularly seeking customer inputs to identify their needs and expectations. Information of customers’ current and future needs and expectations was effective in improving performance. Finally, the study found that the application of quality supplier system ensures quality of their products and/or services through emphasis on quality and delivery performance rather than price in selecting the supplier
Keywords:Application of Total Quality Management Strategies on Perfomance of Kenya Tea Development Authority Factories.
Author:James N. Makinda, Dr. Moses M. Otieno
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Novelty Journals