Vol 7 Issue 3 May 2020-June 2020
Abstract:The study determined the performance and approaches of school heads in Bulan District for school year 2019-2020. Descriptive-survey method was used in the study. Purposive sampling technique alongside random sampling technique was used to select the research participants from elementary schools. Self-constructed questionnaire and unstructured interviews were used as relevant tools to gather data from respondents. Weighted mean, frequency, and ranking were used in analyzing data and reporting the study findings.
The study findings indicate that the school heads are very satisfactory in supervising the teachers, planning and executing the teacher development activities, and delegating teachers with weighted means of 4.12, 3.82, and 4.03, respectively. Similarly, the provision of instructional materials and appraisal of teacher’s performance were assessed as very satisfactory with overall weighted means of 3.67 and 3.93, correspondingly.
Also, the study findings revealed that the most commonly used supervisory approaches by the school heads are: classroom observation (f=100); provision of feedback to teachers after classroom observation for future improvement (f=86); planning and directing of internal workshops and seminars to improve teachers’ competence (f=65); the school heads encouraged them to improvised instructional materials (f=58); and holding sessions with teachers about their instructional performance (f=86). The research findings also indicate that the teachers are very satisfied with the performance of school heads since the average rating is 3.97. However, the two most common reasons are provision of MOOE funds for teacher’s training and workshops with 50 teachers in rank 1 followed by hiring of additional teachers that was favored by 40 teachers in rank 2.
From the findings, it was concluded that the school heads performed very satisfactorily in supervising teachers, planning and executing teacher’s development activities, delegating teachers, providing instructional materials, and appraising teacher’s performance. The school heads employed various supervisory approaches in performing their functions. The teachers are very satisfied with the performance of the school heads as reflected in the reasons given.
It was recommended that Department of Education may develop a strategic plan on periodic capacity building workshops for educational administrators on supervision of teachers. The school heads may provide constant and adequate information to the teachers on supervision activities as well as professional development program organized in or outside the district to facilitate teachers’ participation. School principals may collaborate with relevant stakeholders to promote capacity building of teachers through intensive and regular in-house seminar/workshop to improve knowledge, pedagogical skills and competence of teachers in various subjects. The school administrators (principals and various subject heads) may be committed to take part in supervisory role within the school setting as one part of their job to ensure improvement in the quality of program or instruction at all times.
Schools are the central places where children and youth access formal education. The improvement of student learning is the fundamental purpose of a school. It is acknowledged that education that education is very instrumental and an essential agent in national development. As a result, improving the quality of education, especially at the basic education level, has become the concern of all nations.
In the education process the role of teachers cannot be underestimated (Glatthorn cited in Kutsyuruba, 2003). In addition, improving teaching is a complex process in which many elements should interact. Teachers are in the center of this improvement process. Hence, teacher’s acceptance and interaction with the supervisory practice, therefore, the techniques, methods, models, or processes used by the supervisors at school, provide the catalyst for any supervisory success.
In addition, the way teachers gain professional support from instructional supervisors and the way teachers view the instructional supervision that they are undergoing and think about it is very important in the outcomes of the supervision process. Instructional supervision is an interactive process that depends on the source of supervision the supervisor and the teachers, therefore assessing the practices and challenges of instructional supervision is important in implementing successful supervision (Abdulkareem, 2001)
Moreover, the future of a country depends on the quality of education given to its citizens. Supervision as defined in The Dictionary of Education as all efforts of designated school officials directed toward providing leadership to teachers and other educational workers In the improvement of instruction; Involves the stimulation of professional growth and development of teachers, the selection and revision of educational objectives, materials of instruction, and methods of teaching; and the evaluation of instruction.
The Philippines, like any other country had a great value in education as a means to a nation’s progress and development. Knowing this, the educational system with the aid of legislations had always been adopting different strategic agenda to improve academic performance of learners. Stipulated in the Governance Act of Basic Education of 2001(R.A 9155 of 2001) is the decentralization of the usual centralized educational system of the nation. Sec. 7 states that the school head who may be assisted by an assistant school head shall be both an instructional leader and administrative manager. In view of this, school heads are mandated to give the highest attention and focus on the improvement of instruction and to think and make efforts on how to help teachers attain effective and efficient teaching strategies to realize the optimum learning for pupils
Similarly, the Department of Education started the adoption of policy on Principal Empowerment in mid-1990’s when some of the administrative and instructional supervision functions of the division were delegated to school heads. The said changes produced improved learning outcomes in several schools in the country. However, this development was not sustained in some schools.
Meanwhile, it was pointed out that they are for the change. In addition to the qualification standards of the elementary school heads, trainings for the Implementation of Instructional Leadership and different supervisory approaches were provided to school heads. The Deped Order No. 48, series 2004 requiring a bachelor’s degree with 18 units in professional education; head teacher for a year/ teacher-in-charge for 2 years/ master teacher for 2 years/classroom teacher for 5 years; 40 hours of relevant training and a holder of a licensure certificate as a professional teacher(RA 1080)Despite all these, the Department of Education still confronted with all the trials and difficulties and one of this is the poor academic achievement of learners.
In Bulan District, which is composed of Bulan North and Bulan South Districts. Each elementary school is administered by either a principal, school head or teacher-in-charge which depends on the number of teachers and learners under his/her care. It was observed by the proponent that not all of them are really practicing their supervisory roles to the fullest since most of them became school heads by accident due to the movement of them every now and then. From the unstructured interview conducted, few of them said that they should be relieved themselves from administrative and paper triggered duties so as they can focus on instructional supervision.
With the above reasons, the researcher was encouraged to conduct a study on the performance and supervisory approaches used by the school administrators in Bulan District. She believed that, there is a need for an administrator to enhance their performance and be equipped with different approaches to be used in supervision in order to help teachers to become more efficient and effective for the learners to attain highest achievement in school. With this study, it is hoped that it could provide useful information to school administrators in making necessary actions in order to improve the instructional supervision to help teachers and learners achieve outstanding performance in school.
Keywords:Performance, Approaches, Supervision, Delegation, Bulan Districts.
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Novelty Journals