Vol 3 Issue 2 March 2016-April 2016
Dr. Jessie V. Alzate, Sitti Harradyl L. Lintangi
Abstract: The study determined the acceptability of senior Bachelor of Science in Development Communication (B.S. DevCom) students; their competency, strength and weaknesses of the course, outcome of BS DevCom program and its graduates, employability and, relationship between acceptability and competencies of senior BS DevCom students. Competencies of BS DevCom students were varied: announcing, desktop publishing, photography, visual aids preparation, gathering and writing news, writing English, Filipino, and vernacular languages, producing company newsletter other publications, and advertisements. The curriculum was strong in scope, sequence, continuity and integration. Faculty members identified development communication as a medium for development, and communication for rural development. The ladderized curriculum was the greatest strength of the program, while the arrangement of subjects was its weakness. Faculty used different teaching methods, strategies, conducted researches in agriculture but limited studies conducted about communication trends and problems, and extended services in the community. DevCom faculty members were composed of Ph.Ds. and M.S., but they wished to be honed in new media. The program lacked facilities and equipment, and graduates lack DevCom-related jobs. Alumni were not definite if their skills were useful since many landed to jobs not symmetrically aligned to DevCom works. There was no significant relationship between acceptability of the course and the competencies of senior B.S. DevCom students.
Keywords: Development Communication, DevCom.
Title: Ladderized Curriculum: A Roadmap to Communication Education Trends
Author: Dr. Jessie V. Alzate, Sitti Harradyl L. Lintangi
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Novelty Journals