Vol 2 Issue 1 January 2015-February 2015
Momanyi Charles Ocharo, Irene Nyakweba, Dr. Gideon Momanyi
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish the challenges facing computer implementation on administration use in public secondary schools in Nyamira North District. Few public secondary schools have embraced use of computers in their administration. The objectives of this study were to determine distribution and availability of computers for use and how they were utilized; establish the challenges impeding computer implementation. The study utilized descriptive survey design. The researcher used four tools for data collection: principals’, HOD’s, Bursar’s and librarians’ questionnaire. The target population was 40 public secondary schools from where a sample of 12 schools was purposively obtained. The data were collected by the researcher by administering the tools himself. The data were coded and edited for completeness. The data analysis was done using SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Sciences). It was found that computers were mainly found in the principals’ office. The study also found that only two schools in Nyamira North use computers in accounts offices and the library. It was also found that all management offices were inadequately prepared in use of computer skills. MS Word was found to be the most frequently used software. In the principals’ offices, it was found that computers were mainly used for clerical jobs such as typing letters. Bursars used the computers to receive fees, pay vouchers, and prepare budgets and balance sheets. Librarians used computers to issue books, receive books, trace books and locate them on the shelves. Interruptions of electricity and inadequate computer training form biggest limitations. The level of access to internet connectivity is also very poor.
Keywords: computers, challenges, implementation, administration, public secondary school.
Title: Challenges Facing Computers’ Implementation on Administration Use in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamira North District, Nyamira County- Kenya
Author: Momanyi Charles Ocharo, Irene Nyakweba, Dr. Gideon Momanyi
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Novelty Journals