Vol 4 Issue 2 May 2017-August 2017
Maria Christina Barretto, Stefney J. Fernandes, Gaurav Bhise, Sushreeta Subudhi, Abdul Rahiman Mulla, Sudin Mamlekar
Abstract: We here propose a doctor patient handling, managing system that helps doctors in their work and also patients to book doctor appointments and view medical progress. The system allows doctors to manage their booking slots online. Patients are allowed to book empty slots online and those slots are reserved in their name. The system manages the appointment data for multiple doctors for various date and times. Each time a user visits a doctor his/her medical entry is stored in the database by doctor. Next time a user logs in he may view his/her entire medical history as and when needed. At the same time a doctor may view patients medical history even bore the patient visits him. This allows for an automated patient doctor handling system through an online interface. This system also allows users to upload their images or any reports to the required doctor.
Keywords: Agile Model, Codeigniter, MVC (Model, View, Controller), NetBeans, PHP Scripting, Third Party Developers, XAMMP.
Title: Efficient Doctor Patient Portal
Author: Maria Christina Barretto, Stefney J. Fernandes, Gaurav Bhise, Sushreeta Subudhi, Abdul Rahiman Mulla, Sudin Mamlekar
ISSN 2394-7314
International Journal of Novel Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Novelty Journals