Vol 2 Issue 1 January 2015-April 2015
Indu Sekhar A, Dr.G.Narsimha
Abstract: Due to overwhelming development of Consumer Centric Cloud applications, the cloud databases also are facing the challenges. The most important among these challenges include on fly scalability. When an application is sassified, data from ‘n’ entities start residing into the cloud database. The underlying cloud database should be in a position to accommodate the data from ‘n’ entities. Here comes the need for scalability and security. This paper mainly focuses on addressing these two issues. As it is evident that cloud computing has evolved as one of the most powerful and important paradigm for internet or web based applications. Scalability, dynamic growth, metering and economics of scale from large operators are the major causes for the growth of the cloud infrastructure. Most of the web based or cloud applications are data driven. The underlying database forms a critical component in the cloud deployment schema. In this paper a new architecture is proposed. This architecture is an extension to the architecture proposed in the paper “Mechanism for Mounting Multiple Databases Over a Universally Shared Instance”. This paper proposes a new Architecture in which database trees are grouped as database tree groups. The remainder of this paper is devoted in developing the proposed architecture for cloud databases.
Keywords: Dynamically Resizable Shared Universal Area, (DRSUA), Root Node Data Cache (RNDC), Root Node Common Cache (RNCC), Root Node Compilation Cache (RCC), Information Storage Cache, Root Node Log Cache (RNLC), Miscellaneous Cache (MC), Background Processes (B/P), Root Node Monitor Process (RNMP), Child Database Writer Process (CDBWP), Child Database Log Writer (CDBLGWR), Archiver (ARCH), Checkpoint Process (CKPT), Root Node Instance (RNI), Database (DB), Tree T.
Title: Database Tree Groups
Author: Indu Sekhar A, Dr.G.Narsimha
International Journal of Novel Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Novelty Journals