Vol 8 Issue 3 September 2021-December 2021
Odukoya, Abdul Jubreel Babatunde, Sakdan, Mohd. Fo’ad, Azmin, Adi Anuar, Ibrahim, Fazdliel Aswad
Abstract: The primary purpose of this research work is to examine the mediating influence of Ethical Standard Practice (ESP) on the relationship between Project Manager and Team Members’ Competency (PMTMC) and Building Performance (BPM). A total number of 500 structured questionnaires were distributed amid professionals such as builders, civil engineers, quantity surveyors and town planners involved in the processes of building construction and project management in Lagos State Nigeria. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS Version 26. This study found significance evidence on the mediating influence of Ethical Standard Practice (ESP) on the relationship between Project Manager and Team Members’ Competency (PMTMC) and Building Performance (BPM). The result of this study however provides significant contributions to managers, builders, civil engineers, quantity surveyors, town planners, researchers, and stakeholders on further understanding on the significance and benefits of Ethical Practices (EP) being followed by Project Manager and Team Members in achieving a better Building Performance (BPM). As such, policy makers and stakeholders should be encouraged to exhibit these identified responsibilities for better Building Performance (BPM) most especially in Lagos State of Nigeria.
Keywords: Ethical Standard Practice, Project Managers and Team Members’ Competency, Building Performance.
Title: Influence of Ethical Standard Practices on the Relationship between Project Managers’ Competency and Building Performance in Lagos State of Nigeria
Author: Odukoya, Abdul Jubreel Babatunde, Sakdan, Mohd. Fo’ad, Azmin, Adi Anuar, Ibrahim, Fazdliel Aswad
ISSN 2394-7357
International Journal of Novel Research in Civil Structural and Earth Sciences
Novelty Journals