Vol 5 Issue 2 May 2018-August 2018
Vega Aditama, Sri Murni Dewi, Achfas Zacoeb
Abstract: Bamboo is an alternatif material to replace the steel reinforcement in concrete, it have almost equal in tensile strength. Concrete plates with knitted bamboo reinforcement can be used to withstand the lateral load. By using bamboo knitting reinforcement, concrete plates have different bending stresses than concrete using steel reinforcement. Knitted bamboo is also used to overcome the bond slip that occurs to the action of concrete composite with bamboo[1]. In this study, The lateral loads received concrete plates with bamboo knitting reinforcement. It supported by two facing edge is pinned, one edge is fixed, and one edge is free. In this case, the the position of plates is put horizontally and recieved 4 joint load as the uniform load. to compare experiments with theoretical it is necessary to use finite element analysis by using abaqus program to find the deflection value, strain, and crack pattern that happened in bamboo reinforcement. By eksperiment, Maximum load that can be retained by concrete plate with bamboo reinforcement with 3 knits that is equal to 625,17 Kg, deflect at 15,24 mm and strained at 4,11 x 10-5. By Finite element analisys in maximum loading is deflect at 12,8 mm and strained at 4,68 x 10-5.
Keywords: Concrete Plates, Lateral Load, Knitted Bamboo, Reinforcement, walls, Elasticity
Author: Vega Aditama, Sri Murni Dewi, Achfas Zacoeb
ISSN 2394-7357
International Journal of Novel Research in Civil Structural and Earth Sciences
Novelty Journals